RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jason Bohn

Quick Quotes

Q. You played the front nine as your second nine and strung some birdies together, and a great way to start the tournament.
JASON BOHN: Yeah, it was great. I played really nice today. And when I missed the greens, I missed them in the right spots and was able to get up and down. I only made one bogey, and that's pretty good around this place.

Q. Tell me how encouraging it is to go out and play such a solid initial round at this tournament?
JASON BOHN: This is really pretty big for me. I've been working pretty hard at things. So just to see a little positive stuff in my game was awesome for me. This is a big momentum booster for me, personally.

Q. Talk about the first round. You've got to be happy where you're sitting heading into tomorrow?
JASON BOHN: Yeah, it's Round 1. But to make five birdies and only one bogey, I played pretty nicely. I missed my golfball in the right places and that's what it's all about here at Harbour Town. I was able to get up and down when I missed greens and hit a lot of fairways, and hit a lot of quality golf shots.

Q. The course changed a little bit because of the hurricane. They added some trees, took away some trees. Did you notice any difference out there?
JASON BOHN: Well, this is the best shape I've ever seen Harbour Town in the last 15 years. It's amazing. I think some of the removal of the trees helped the quality of the turf. I think they got some more sunlight, some more air flow. Some of the marquee trees like on No. 9 and a couple of the trees on 10, we really did notice a significant difference. So I think those two holes might play a shade easier than the past. The rest of them, the trees are still out there. Your ball can hit them. We hit a few today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-13 15:56:00 GMT

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