RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2017

J.J. Spaun

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me about your round. You feel good about it?
J.J. SPAUN: Yeah, I mean first rounds are always kind of the rounds that set the tempo for the tournament. And to get off to a good start, shooting anything under par out here is a good round. To get 4-under on the first round is very pleasing.

Q. Conditions?
J. . SPAUN: This morning it was basically like playing in a dome. So you have to take advantage of that when you're out on Tour. Guys are going to be making birdies left and right. It was kind of cruising when the conditions were right. It picked up a little on the back, so it made it tough to make birdies, but still managed to make a couple on the back.

Q. You've got to be happy about the position you've put yourself in for tomorrow?
J.J. SPAUN: Yeah, sure. It's only the first round, but it still is good to be right there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-13 16:38:00 GMT

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