RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

SHANE LOWRY: I think you just play -- you know, I wake up this morning and I've got videos from my wife of our little girl. It's just nice. Makes you feel different. And I think I'm trying to gather my head around I'm playing for her and it's kind of -- probably the only things that matter. Golf is only a sport. At the end of the day it's my career, but something that I probably put too much pressure on myself. And we need to look at what really matters in life. And that's it.

Q. Must be pretty pleased today, because you had the disappointment of missing the cut last week?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I've had a lot of disappointments lately in golf. I feel like I haven't really had anything going for me. And to see that putt go in at the last is a sigh of relief. Hopefully that's kind of turned the corner. I hit a decent putt, but I hit it too hard. And it's probably going ten feet past, at least. And it went in. It's one of those things where hopefully I'll look back at the end of the year and say that's the turning point.

Q. Who have you been speaking to? I guess G-Mac is not coming to play here for the first time?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I didn't get to play with Graham. He was doing something for RBC on Tuesday. I was hoping to get a few holes in. I played the course on my own actually on Tuesday. And I went back out, something I never do, I went out yesterday. I wasn't in the Pro Am. I walked the course again just to get to know the tee shots. It's the type of course, because it's in the trees, and a lot of holes kind of look the same, and when you're on the green you're walking to the next tee and you kind of remember what hole it is. It's nice to get a visual for that and that's why I walked the course yesterday.

Q. Did you sort of have less fear factor, the fact that you're not playing the course for the first time, as opposed to going back to other tournaments, knowing where the trouble is, do you find that?
SHANE LOWRY: I don't know really. This is a tough golf course, it's tough off the tee. To be perfectly honest I didn't feel that comfortable. I hit it okay, I just went out and committed to every shot. And on the last I had a 5-iron and a bit of in between numbers, between 5 and 6, but obviously it was going to play for long. I said I committed to every shot today, I might as well commit to this one. That's what I need to start doing again. I need to commit to every shot, commit to every putt and see where it leaves me. Today it's a 66. Tomorrow it might be something different. And that's just the way it is.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-13 17:02:00 GMT

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