RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Russell Henley

Quick Quotes

Q. Tremendous morning out here, weather-wise, and after last week, when how were you able to adjust and get ready for this week?
RUSSELL HENLEY: Take days off. I didn't play Monday or Tuesday. Just relax and this is my fifth time here. Just use it to rest. It's been a whirlwind the last couple of weeks. This is a nice place. This is definitely one of my favorites.

Q. You're known as one of the most aggressive players on Tour. You take iron shots right at flags. But you hit it right of the flag on 14. You hit it left of the flag on 4. Was that by design?

Q. The par-3s.
RUSSELL HENLEY: No, I didn't know I was known as one of the most aggressive players. But, I just pulled it just a hair. I'm just really confident in the ball that I'm playing. I feel like my ball is so consistent.

Q. How are you going to keep your energy for the rest of the week? The highs of the last two weeks, really?
RUSSELL HENLEY: I guess just try to eat healthy. Drink a lot of water, and kick my feet up in the afternoons when I'm not playing. I have some family down here.

Q. Great round. 5 birdies, no bogeys. Anytime you cannot have any blemishes on the card, that's always good around this golf course. Your thoughts on today?
RUSSELL HENLEY: I played well. I felt like I hit it well off the tee. If you can do that around here and leave yourself good angles you can attack it a little bit, but you still have to be careful. This is my fifth time playing the tournament. And I'm getting to know the course better every year. And I feel like I'm trusting my game right now.

Q. Speaking of your game, it's been spectacular. You won at Shell in Houston. Tied for 11th at Augusta last week. And now a good start here. What's been your key or keys of this great play?
RUSSELL HENLEY: I feel like I've been playing about the same all year. I'm just starting to get a little bit of the results. The last two weeks is just a combination of just changing to Titleist clubs and ball and feeling like that's made me very consistent. And also just trying to be patient. I feel like the more patient I am, the more focused I can be on the moment that I'm living at that point, I feel like the better I play golf.

Q. You're a Georgia guy. You played with a Georgia Tech guy, Kuchar. Did he give you any grief on the golf course?
RUSSELL HENLEY: No, he's great to play with. I bet if I started talking to him that he would talk right back. He's great to play with and it was a great day.

Q. You're known as one of the most aggressive shot takers on the PGA Tour right now. What was your strategy for these tight greens today?
RUSSELL HENLEY: Yeah, you're the second person that just told me that. I didn't realize that I was one of the most aggressive players. But I feel like today I just hit a lot of greens. And when I didn't, I left myself in a spot I could get it up and down. This is my fifth time playing the course and I just feel like I know my way around it. If I can execute the shots off the tee it makes if easier.

Q. Got to be happy where you're sitting on the leaderboard?
RUSSELL HENLEY: I know with this weather that there are some good scores to be had. And there's a long way to go. So I'm just going to try to be patient, just keep doing what I'm doing.

Q. How different is Harbour Town this week as opposed to the first four times you played because of the weather?
RUSSELL HENLEY: It's played firmer in the past than it did today. And in the past I feel like it's been cold and windy. When it gets windy around here it shows its teeth. And sometimes it does, even when it's a calm day like this. It's a tough course.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-13 17:34:00 GMT

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