RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Graham DeLaet

Quick Quotes

Q. Six birdies, 65, you've got to be really pleased with the way you played today?
GRAHAM DeLAET: Yeah, I am, definitely. I hit the ball great. I give myself a lot of chances. I think I missed a couple of greens. I was able to get up and down both times. It's always a pleasure. I love this golf course. It's one of my favorites every year. Until last year I've never really played it well. But I think I finished 15th or something last year, and gave me a little bit of confidence coming in here. I always came here because I liked it, but never thought that I could really compete. And it gave me just a little bit of -- a little boost of confidence that I needed. I played nicely today, we have a long ways to go.

Q. When you got to the golf course today, saw the conditions and the numbers that they were shooting, the guys that went out in the morning. Did you figure this was gettable?
GRAHAM DeLAET: The wind was laying down a lot more than it normally is. Usually we're looking at another 5 to 10 miles an hour. When that gets up in the trees you never know where it's coming from. The key out here is obviously to get the ball in the fairway and try to keep it below the trees as much as you can, and hit the right shots and give yourself some chances. I was able to hole some putts today. It was a fun day.

Q. Three top-10s already this year. What's the key to your success so far this year?
GRAHAM DeLAET: I've been putting really well. Actually I went to Peter Kostis. I told him I was coming here. He asked me to buy him a nice bottle of wine and he gave me his little putting machine he invented, his Putting Professor. It's changed my stroke. It's given me a lot more confidence. I'm seeing a lot more putts go in. It's making golf a lot more fun.

Q. I started following hockey, six teams. I think it's the best team in the postseason, in the NHL playoffs, the Flames, Anaheim, what do you think?
GRAHAM DeLAET: I love it, man. Except it starts at 10:30. I'm going to be up in the 4's tomorrow morning. I'm not going to see much of it. I'm going to put it on the sleep timer and fall asleep to it. I'm excited. Postseason hockey is my favorite in the world. I'm going to go up to a game Wednesday. My wife and I are going to go up there, so it will be fun.

Q. Describe today's efforts.
GRAHAM DeLAET: I played well, obviously. I felt like I was in pretty good control of my golf ball. I hit a lot of fairways and a lot of greens. It was one of those stress-free rounds of golf. It was fun. Like I was telling these guys, I just love playing this golf course. We need more like this. Everywhere you go is a bomber's paradise, and it takes the skill and imagination out of the game and that's what makes this course so great.

Q. Missed the cut in the last two events. What did you figure out from those two short weeks to have a good one here today?
GRAHAM DeLAET: More than anything I just needed a break. I was a little rundown mentally. Physically I've been feeling pretty good. But I needed a break to recharge. I went back to Idaho, saw my kids and wife for a few days. Went to Phoenix the last part of last week to kind of get back in the practice mode before I came here. My game feels good. It felt good even the last couple of weeks I missed the cuts.

Q. How do you feel out here at Harbour Town?
GRAHAM DeLAET: Anytime you get around this course under par you're always pretty happy. The conditions were pretty good. The course is in unbelievable shape. The greens are perfect. And I was able to see a few putts go in.

Q. How big was that save for par at 8?
GRAHAM DeLAET: That was nice. To keep the card clean is always nice. I would have loved to make birdie on the last hole. I had a pretty nice number. I was surprised how far my sand wedge went. But all in all it was a good day.

Q. You have yourself in a good position. Conditions are supposed to stay like this. It should be a pretty fun tournament?
GRAHAM DeLAET: Yeah, it's pretty nice when you come here and get some perfect weather. It's such a treat. I love this golf course. I don't think we've had a week full of nice weather all year. So this is kind of the first time all year. So I'm looking forward to it.

Q. You said you've been putting really well. Smallest greens on the PGA Tour, do you still take that confidence into this weekend?
GRAHAM DeLAET: Yeah, the key is to hit the greens here and hit your spots and be in the right position. It's just so much fun. You have to use your imagination around this place. And you have to be pretty precise.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-13 21:16:00 GMT

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