RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. Wow, what a finish. Five birdies the last five holes. All of a sudden lightning in a bottle.
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, we played great today. It was fun to play good. Made a few really bad mistakes in the middle of the round to get me back to even. It's one of those rounds you have to fight and tell yourself to be patient, that you're playing great. If you get a couple coming in, great. But I didn't expect five, but I'll take it.

Q. Scoring conditions, a lot of red numbers up on the board. You've played here before a lot. Best scoring conditions we've had in a long time here?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, light winds. The course is playing fast, but the greens aren't too firm yet. And the ball is going a long ways. In this wind for this golf course is a good wind. You want this wind. Not many holes were playing into the wind.

Yeah, I wasn't surprised to see a lot of good numbers.

Q. I was reading the Charlotte paper during the Masters. And it said Webb Simpson lost 15 pounds. How did you lose 15 pounds?
WEBB SIMPSON: I quit drinking Coke. No offense to Coke, one of our best sponsors. I quit drinking it. I was having two to three Cokes a day. But if I win the FedExCup in Atlanta, I'll start drinking Coke again.

Q. When you get on a roll like that, what's it like?
WEBB SIMPSON: You try not to think about it and you just kind of keep playing one shot at a time. But 7 is a tough par-3. 8 is a tough hole. I wasn't expecting to get them there. But 5, 6 and 9 certainly you're thinking birdie.

Q. Have you sort of felt like a breakthrough was coming in a round like this?
WEBB SIMPSON: You know, I've been playing better. I'm just making too many mistakes. And so if I can clean it up, I shoot five, six under. When you're making silly mistakes, you're not able to do that.

Q. Do you go down to the course in Wilmington every year?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, we vacation there a couple of weeks a year. And not at the course, but that's where I play when I'm there.

Q. So you know it pretty well?

Q. What do you think it's going to be like?
WEBB SIMPSON: It's great. It's one of the best courses I've played, so I think guys will love it.

Q. If you had to pick one characteristic of it, what --
WEBB SIMPSON: It's just a beautiful golf course. It's not really on the water, only a couple of holes are. But just esthetically it's a really beautiful golf course.

Q. It's kind of inland?
WEBB SIMPSON: It's only about a thousand yards off the intercoastal waterway. You don't see the water except on 9 and 10.

Q. So you must feel pretty good about going down there in a couple of months?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, I'm excited, it should be a fun week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-13 21:51:00 GMT

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