RBC Heritage

Friday, April 14, 2017

Pat Perez

Quick Quotes

Q. Pat, always good to get that sand save at the last. It was important. Your thoughts on the round today, 4-under and minus 7.
PAT PEREZ: Yeah, played okay. Missed three-putts inside six feet. Overall it was nice. The weather is perfect. The course is unbelievable this year.

Q. Stats say you hit nine greens, but you were nine and scrambling around here, that's crucial.
PAT PEREZ: Yeah, that's important out here. 14 I pushed it. The greens are small. It's not surprising.

Q. Thoughts on how the course conditions were, as opposed to yesterday afternoon, what the guys are going to be facing?
PAT PEREZ: The greens will be a little bit quicker, maybe. The course is in phenomenal shape.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-14 16:49:00 GMT

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