RBC Heritage

Friday, April 14, 2017

Jason Dufner

Quick Quotes

Q. Jason, nice finish at 18. When you're off the green there, you have 12 feet to par, nice save to finish the round.
JASON DUFNER: Yeah, it's a good way to finish the way. It's pretty tough.

Q. Thoughts on the course conditions, how different was it from yesterday afternoon?
JASON DUFNER: About the same. The greens are pretty receptive.

Q. State of your game right now, just a few back.
JASON DUFNER: Yeah, playing pretty good. Made a lot of putts this year, had a lot of top-25s.

Q. 3-under yesterday, 4-under today. How would you assess your effort here in the second round?
JASON DUFNER: Pretty good. Conditions are good for scoring out there. I think everybody is kind of enjoying that. The wind is kind of down, which can be the tough thing about this golf course. There's some birdies to be had out there. Nice way to start the week.

Q. How does your game right now match up with the challenges of this golf course?
JASON DUFNER: It's pretty good. I've hit a lot of fairways. Sometimes I miss fairways, but it's good because you're in the right position. Happy with the driving. Iron play was pretty good the last two days. Just sneak in a couple more putts and keep chugging along at three or four under, and I'll be in pretty good shape come Sunday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-14 16:51:00 GMT

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