RBC Heritage

Friday, April 14, 2017

Sam Saunders

Quick Quotes

Q. Sam, your fourth appearance here at the RBC Heritage, you hadn't made the cut prior to, but now you're playing on the weekend. What was different this time around?
SAM SAUNDERS: Oh, you know, I've always liked this golf course. It actually really surprises me I never played well here in the past. I always felt I was poised but just didn't quite work out. The course really fits my game. And I'm playing well, so I'm happy to see that I'm getting the results that I always expected to get here.

Q. What parts of your game in particular are you going to rely on in the weekend, because you're right in the mix now with 7-under par for two rounds?
SAM SAUNDERS: Keep driving the ball. My stats this week would show that I only hit about 35 fairways, but it's very misleading, because I put it in the correct spot out on the course. You've just got to keep putting it in the right place off the tee and then just make a few putts. I didn't make as many today, but I putted really solid. The wind was really tricky today. It's just going to be a test of patience out there because it's swirly out there.

Q. You've given yourself an opportunity to go on the weekend.
SAM SAUNDERS: Yes, pleased with the position I'm in. I left a few out there today. Not really, I just didn't get anything going. I was pleased with a patient round where really nothing good happened, but I played solid. I like where I am with two rounds to go.

Q. The conditions this good and the weather in Harbour Town as it is, how many more people will that bring into the tournament?
SAM SAUNDERS: This golf course is challenging under -- in a dome. 72 degrees with not a breath of wind, it's a challenging golf course, because you have to put it in the right spots. With this wind it's almost easier when it blows 15 to 20 here, because you get some consistency. It was really tricky out there today.

The scores were okay today, but I think you'll see this afternoon with the wind keeps swirling around like it does, it's just hard to get a lot of iron shots close, because you're downwind one second and then you're standing over it. I hit a shot into 18 today that I hit a 4 in that I thought was going to be middle of the green about 20 feet and came up in the hazard left, and I was able to play it, fortunately. It's tough out there and you've just got to stay patient.

Q. You put yourself in a great position heading into the weekend. How do you feel?
SAM SAUNDERS: I feel ready to go. I feel hungry right now, I'm going to go try to eat lunch and stay calm and relaxed and enjoy myself because I'm playing well, and see no reason why I can't put myself in contention on Sunday to win.

Q. The trophy that has your grandfather's name on it, thoughts on possibly getting that trophy.
SAM SAUNDERS: Yeah, I was thinking about winning the trophy before I teed up on Thursday. No, you don't get ahead of yourself, but at the same time you tee up on Thursday to win a golf tournament. And that's my mindset. And now fortunately with two rounds of golf to go I'm in a decent position. I just need to keep plugging away and be patient because it will get you out there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-14 18:12:00 GMT

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