RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. That finish wasn't what you were looking for, but 32 on the back nine and 66 in the third round. Great playing out there.
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, I got some putts to drop. I spent some time out on the range yesterday and thought I found a little something, so it was nice to come out and have that round.

Q. As we stand behind the 18th green it feels maybe a little gustier, but the scoring conditions are really nice so far here at the RBC Heritage.
BRIAN HARMAN: Whenever you have greens as good as these and you're able to make a lot of putts, if you're hitting it well, here, you're pretty close to the hole, because the greens are so small. You get a lot of good looks and the greens are relatively flat and it's rolling so good, this golf course is playing as well as I've ever seen.

Q. We've seen 63, 64. Do you think that's out there today in what the guys face?
BRIAN HARMAN: It depends on the wind. It doesn't take a lot of wind to make 14, 17, 18 and even 10, 11, 12, play a lot different than they did when I played them. A little bit of wind makes it much more challenging, but it just depends on Mother Nature.

Q. Talk about No. 8.
BRIAN HARMAN: I did some work yesterday on the range and thought I found something. Nice to hit shots today.

Q. Nice pairing for you, too?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, Kyle is a buddy of mine. We have played a lot of golf going back to junior golf. And I enjoy playing with Kyle, for sure.

Q. You get into the weekend and anything can happen?
BRIAN HARMAN: It's part of the frustration. Like you know it's possible. And when it doesn't go your way, it's hard to hang in there.

I was more proud of the way I hung in there yesterday, getting to play the weekend because you never know when something like today could happen. It could have been a couple of shots better. I think if the wind stays down, they'll probably shoot some low scores this afternoon.

Q. Do you feel like you finally got one of those rounds going for you at Harbour Town or did 17 kind of take it away from you?
BRIAN HARMAN: Well, a little bit. 17 is frustrating, but at the same time, I hit so many good shots I'm not going to beat myself up.

Q. Going tomorrow you probably need another low one?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yes, another low one. It's a lot easier to shoot a low score from back in the field than it is leading the pack. So we'll see what happens.

Q. Going back to the back nine yesterday, you were trying to make the cut. Did you just have to trust your game?
BRIAN HARMAN: You just never know when the putts are going to drop. I felt like I was making good reads and just a little off, but as the week's gone on I feel like I'm reading them a little bit better and making more putts.

Q. How did you feel about the putt on No. 14?
BRIAN HARMAN: I felt really good about it. I was proud of that -- played that hole with some discipline. That's a pretty easy -- as far as 34s go, it's a pretty easy 34.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-15 18:02:00 GMT

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