RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 15, 2017

William McGirt

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel about your position right now?
WILLIAM McGIRT: Well, I like where I'm at. Obviously we're within striking distance. Another good round tomorrow, I have a chance.

I played better today. Hit all the par-5s, but didn't do anything else. If I could mix the first two days and today, throw it all into one tomorrow I'll be all right.

Q. What was working so well for you right now?
WILLIAM McGIRT: I feel like I'm putting great. I just have to get the speed. It's the slowest I've ever seen it. And a couple coming off Augusta last week, it seemed even slower. But they're super, super slow. I just keep leaving it too short.

Q. You shot three 68s, tomorrow it may take a little more than that to win, do you change your game plan at all?
WILLIAM McGIRT: Keep giving ourselves looks, that's the thing. We've got to hit a bunch of greens and give myself chances and hopefully -- honestly hopefully get it above the hole so I can have a chance to make it. Getting putts to the hole -- I've been reading putts, but I haven't been able to get the balls in.

Q. Did you notice the size of the crowds? Huge crowds following not only you but Wes Bryan, back-to-back, you've been such a huge supporter of this tournament. Just your thoughts on the size of the crowd?
WILLIAM McGIRT: It's been great all week. They always come out and support the local guys. Whether it's me or Kis. You have three of us in a row. So there were tons out there. It's great. Everybody want to say see a golfer from South Carolina. Doesn't matter who it is, they get behind them big time.

Q. Do you South Carolina guys talk about that, 49th year, and nobody that's gone to college here, nobody that's born here, no South Carolina ties have won this?
WILLIAM McGIRT: I don't think anybody has talked. You just don't want to talk about it. You don't want to talk to that guy, you just kind of leave it alone. Everybody tries to go out and play their best. Lord knows we're all trying as hard as we can to win this, just hasn't worked out in 48 tries.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-15 21:17:00 GMT

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