RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. I the back nine was giving you a little more trouble. Your thoughts on how it ended up today?
WEBB SIMPSON: Again, it played windy like it did yesterday afternoon. It was tricky. I kind of hung in there. But it was a great start, great par save on 7. 8 and 9 were good. I'm hitting a little better. But I just wasn't hitting it close enough. 16 was unfortunate, too.

Q. Talk about the par save at 7?
WEBB SIMPSON: They did a great job on the course. A couple of pins that are tough to get at. But the golf course is small. And this amount of trees around the greens makes it hard to figure out exactly where to hit it. Pars are good.

Q. Your thoughts on tomorrow. You're right there?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, I've got to come out and keep making pars. Make birdies when I can. Attack the par-5s.

Q. How would you describe almost the tale of two nines, in some respects?
WEBB SIMPSON: It's kind of like yesterday. I would have made all pars yesterday if it wasn't for 16.

The game is good. I like when I don't hit it well in the middle part of the round and I'm able to figure out how to hit it well coming in. Where I used to play I struggled early, and probably couldn't get by it throughout the day.

I liked the way I swung the club coming in. Hit some good putts. And all in all it was a good day.

Q. How was this course changing, if at all, during the course of this week?
WEBB SIMPSON: You know, it's gradually getting firmer and faster every day, which is what we expected with this weather. I don't know what the wind is supposed to do tomorrow, but if the wind blows -- it wasn't crazy today, but if it blows enough it will get pretty fast tomorrow.

Q. You are in the mix to get back in the winner's circle. What are you looking forward to most with 18 holes to go?
WEBB SIMPSON: I'm looking forward to having a shot. I love competing. I love getting in the moment. We put in so much work to give ourselves this opportunity. I think early on in my career I think I got a little too nervous. But I feel now I'm able to enjoy the challenges that tomorrow will bring and go out and play and see where I stand then.

Q. You've been in this position before in this tournament. Talk about what it's going to take to get that plaid jacket?
WEBB SIMPSON: It's going to take a good, solid round. It's going to take a day of being patient. If the wind is blowing tomorrow like it was today. It's not easy. It's tricky. But I feel like we have a great game plan for this golf course, and I'll stick to it.

Q. Talk about your day today. A good round all day?
WEBB SIMPSON: It was a fast start, fun start. I played good, solid golf in the back, just couldn't get it close to the hole. One kind of mistake on 16, which was not something I normally do. But all in all I feel good and confident about where I am.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-15 21:58:00 GMT

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