RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Patrick Cantlay

Quick Quotes

Q. That was a nice birdie on the last for a really nice final round. Comment on your day.
PATRICK CANTLAY: It was kind of a struggle out there. I did a lot of good things, but I wasn't rolling. Just didn't ever get enough momentum the whole week. I fought really hard and came back from a bunch of mistakes that I made this week. Good finish. We needed a couple more birdies there to get up there.

Q. Still though your game is trending in a great direction, especially with Valspar and another great finish here. Comment a little bit about your goals?
PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I feel like I'm playing really well. I feel like my game is good, my prep is good. My system for getting ready for tournaments is coming around. Goals going forward, I'd like to play really well, obviously start winning some tournaments and giving myself a chance to maybe make that Presidents Cup team.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-16 21:30:00 GMT

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