RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Kevin Kisner

Quick Quotes

Q. Just comment, I know not the finish you wanted, but just comment on the day if you can?
KEVIN KISNER: Just a struggle. I had a couple of bad breaks and just couldn't overcome them. I didn't play good at all on the back nine. It just wasn't my day.

Q. You're a South Carolinian at heart. I know you wanted it to be you, but for Wesley to do this, for a South Carolinian to finally win this tournament?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, finally. And you all can quit asking us about it.

Q. When is the second South Carolinian going to win?
KEVIN KISNER: Hopefully next year, and I hope it's me.

That's awesome that Wesley did it and we can get that off our backs.

Q. The greens were tough. But maybe tougher than usual today? They seemed like there were a lot of guys missing putts?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, the hole locations were difficult. And you've got to hit it close. And it's just hard to get it close putting yourself in position to get it up and down. And that's what makes this place so great.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-16 22:03:00 GMT

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