RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Ian Poulter

Quick Quotes

IAN POULTER: I'm a little hot under the collar right now. I'm not disappointed I didn't get the job done today in terms of finishing where I need to finish, but that today could have been a victory and I let it slip. Three-putt from 25 feet, unacceptable. Another three-putt up here. So two three-putts. I have chances on the two par-5s from eight feet, didn't convert those. That's four shots. All of a sudden that's 12-under par. And putts in the closing stretch. I could have got it done today and I should have got it done today. Three-putt is unacceptable, especially from the distances I was. I pride myself on being a good putter. But the flat stick didn't do what I needed to do. I didn't close out any of the putts that I expected to close out. And subsequently ended up shooting 73.

Q. Do you feel you can take something positive into next week?
IAN POULTER: I feel comfortable with my game of golf. That's just really disappointing that I actually played well enough -- I played well enough to win the golf tournament today. I didn't do it with the flat stick. I missed putt after putt after putt. I need to continue to work harder on the putting, less on the rest of the game of golf. If I do that obviously I'm going to win tournaments. But today was not good enough with the flat stick.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-16 22:05:00 GMT

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