RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Luke Donald



Q. Three daughters, you're holding one right now. And yesterday they were right there for you.
LUKE DONALD: This is always a fun week. I come here and it's a good break and they love it. Daycare does a great job, they take them on excursions, and they have a great time.

Q. Four back beginning the day, a double finds you six backs very quickly after the second. Where did you muster up the courage to give yourself a chance again to finally breakthrough here?
LUKE DONALD: Yeah, obviously the worst possible start. A double on 2, which is kind of a birdie hole. And just never felt very comfortable on that tee shot all week. But really happy with the grinding and the grit that I showed today to come back and give myself a chance.

Q. When do you think you'll finally break through here after five seconds and two thirds to win that jacket?
LUKE DONALD: I just keep trying. Obviously it's a place I feel comfortable and I like and I've had a lot of success. I've got to just keep pounding away. And hopefully I'll get there.

Q. What did you prove to yourself to fight back like that and give yourself a look at the end?
LUKE DONALD: Just a lot of grit and determination. And never giving up. And I always pride myself on that, even when I'm not feeling that comfortable off the tee this week at times. To get it through 72 holes and have a chance to win just shows that I'm -- really happy with the determination and just never giving up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-16 22:59:00 GMT

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