RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Graham DeLaet

Quick Quotes

Q. I thought you showed great guts after 7 and 8?
GRAHAM DeLAET: Yeah, I was proud of myself. I had a lot of good chances coming down the stretch. Obviously it's not what I wanted but I'm pretty proud of myself.

Q. You have to sort of find yourself in that moment and I think you were able to steel yourself. Did you feel that ability?
GRAHAM DeLAET: Yeah, I hit a great tee shot on 9. A perfect wedge and made a great putt. That was a tough birdie today, straight downwind and got right back out.

And on 10 that was probably the best shot I hit all day and caught the tree and fell down in the rough. That was disappointing, because I was starting to get some momentum back again. But it's still a good week. I'm happy. But not as happy as I'd like to do.

Q. What will you try to take away from it?
GRAHAM DeLAET: I think I did exactly what I set out to do today and that was stay calm and stay in the moment and I did that. And it was the execution that wasn't there. But emotionally and everything I think I did a pretty good job.

Q. What do you take away from a tournament where it's basically one swing that keeps you out of a playoff?
GRAHAM DeLAET: I don't think about it like that, that's what I'm saying. This is a career, and this is one week of a year that's hopefully a long career for me. This is a small bump in the road. But I've played well, and I'm happy about it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2017-04-16 23:02:00 GMT

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