RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rory Sabbatini

Quick Quotes

Q. What was working so well for you out here today?
RORY SABBATINI: Well, to be honest I hurt my back on Sunday doing something stupid, and kind of took it easy for the last few days, and was just happy to be able to play today. Just trying to simplify everything. Wasn't trying to hit it hard, just put it in the fairway, find the greens.

Q. Do you want to elaborate on what you were doing so stupid?
RORY SABBATINI: I was working on my posture and my golf swing and I was practicing something bad. And I just hurt myself doing it.

Q. Conditions out there today. Good to get out early or how do you describe them?
RORY SABBATINI: No, great to get out early. Golf course -- I've never seen it as good condition. The condition throughout the entire golf course is spectacular. They've done a fantastic job. The greens, after the rain on Tuesday, a little bit more receptive, maybe just a little bit more on the slower side than what we're accustomed to here, so I can be aggressive out there.

All things considered, the course is probably as easy as I've ever seen it play. So you've got to go out there and get your scores today because it's only going to get tougher as the week goes on.

Q. (No microphone.)
RORY SABBATINI: I was getting treatment every day on my back from Jeff Massick (ph.) He did a great job getting me going. This morning, I still wasn't a hundred percent sure I was going to play today. He gave me a good work out. And then ironically enough on 9 tee I did a little stretch and my back popped, what I've been trying to get it to do all week. And it kind of released everything for the closure of the last hole.

Q. A lot of birdies out there today. Can you take us through the round, which one was the most significant for you today?
RORY SABBATINI: I think anytime you can birdie 18 on this golf course it's key, because 18 is not a very forgiving hole. Even though it's probably the widest fairway we have on the golf course, it's probably the most demanding second shot. So you've got to be conservative and aggressive at the same time on the second shot. And I managed to get it in there probably six, eight feet from the hole. Gave myself an opportunity and was able to birdie. I think anytime you can birdie at 18 on this golf course you are happy.

Q. What do you have to do the rest of the weekend to be successful here?
RORY SABBATINI: Shoot the lowest score each day and you've got a chance of winning. No, it's simple. I love this golf course, it's a very traditional golf course, it's all out there in front of you. Put the ball in the fairways, hit it on the greens, give yourself opportunities. If you do that out here you have a chance to shoot a low number.

Q. What was your biggest reason you were successful today?
RORY SABBATINI: I just was very conservative out there. I kind of let the round come to me. I didn't try and press, try and force the birdies. I hit a lot of good shots early, turned around and then just was able to convert a couple.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 16:16:00 GMT

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