RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

John Huh

Quick Quotes

Q. What a beautiful round of golf today, 66, 5-under par with an eagle. You went out on fire, John.
JOHN HUH: Yes, I shot 6-under on my front side, which is really good. And a little hiccup on one hole on the backside. But I'm pleased with the way I played today and hopefully the next three days. I'm really looking forward to it.

Q. What was the strength of your game today, really?
JOHN HUH: Pretty much everything. I was able to convert shots. It's always a nice feeling when you do that.

Q. It was a great start to the week and let's hope you can don the Plaid Jacket at the end of the week.
JOHN HUH: Sounds good, thank you.

Q. It's always good I suppose -- you were 5-under through six holes -- when you can take advantage of prime scoring conditions like you had this morning?
JOHN HUH: Yeah, I was able to take advantage of the nice weather, which is always nice. And I had a really good stretch of holes where I felt like I could go low. But so far I'm almost on the top of the leaderboard, so I'm pleased with where I am today.

Q. You spent most of the morning at the top of the leaderboard before Rory Sabbatini got hot. Do you watch the leaderboards?
JOHN HUH: Yeah, I like to watch where I'm standing. So unfortunately I made a bogey on one hole where it shouldn't be bogey. So hopefully I don't do that kind of mistake the next three days or so.

Q. Did you feel pretty good about your day coming into Harbour Town this week?
JOHN HUH: Yeah, I played well here in the past, so I knew if I can have good preparation and I'm able to go out and play well. So I think that's why I did it today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 16:22:00 GMT

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