RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Billy Horschel

Quick Quotes

Q. 7 birdies to get it rolling, could you have a better start on 10, 11 and 12 as you got the day going?
BILLY HORSCHEL: No, obviously you always want to get off to a fast start. But the birdie at 10 and 11, two fairly difficult holes out here. It was nice. And then on 12. Yeah, it was a great start.

Q. Seven birdies in total.
BILLY HORSCHEL: It was really great conditions this morning, no wind. The greens were really receptive. So I just wanted to give myself an opportunity. It was nice to see the work I've been doing show up today.

Q. How enjoyable is it to play a course of this style? We don't see a whole lot of this on the PGA Tour, but it's so unique in its layout and design.
BILLY HORSCHEL: Yeah, I think this is one of the better courses we play all year. I think the architects in today's game should come here and understand what this course is and why it's still challenging. Too much nowadays we're playing big, wide open courses that really aren't great designed golf courses.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 16:27:00 GMT

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