RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you like how you played?
BRIAN HARMAN: It's good to get in with what I got. I need to tighten it up tomorrow. I hit some good shots, but just wasn't as sharp as I'd like.

Q. You had to make a couple of tough pars those closing two holes?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, just couldn't quite get the wind right on 17 and 18. It happens around here.

Q. Looking like bad weather on Sunday, today and tomorrow are the days for good scores, what do you do take advantage of that tomorrow?
BRIAN HARMAN: It's just a shot at a time. You can't look forward to stuff like that.

Q. 1-under, you're not out of it. You're in good position for the weekend?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, I play tomorrow afternoon. And maybe I better hit some balls and get more comfortable and try to figure out exactly what is going on. The good ones are good, and the bad ones are really bad. I'll try to tighten it up tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 16:52:00 GMT

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