RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you play?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I played okay. I missed a few short putts there on the front side, which is my back side. But overall hit it pretty good.

Q. You said you wanted to work on putting coming out of the Masters. Overall how did you do?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I did okay, other than I just missed a few short ones on the back. The greens are kind of tough to read. But it was all right. Pretty pleased with it.

Q. Do you have a new putter this week?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Different color. Same putter, though.

Q. As far as being back here at the Heritage, and being back in your home state, what does it mean to you, not only that, what does it mean to you after the first round?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's always great to come back and play near where I grew up, not too far away from here. I have a lot of family and friends to come out to support me. That's always good.

And I'm happy to be back here playing in the 50th Heritage. Obviously being an RBC Ambassador and they sponsor this tournament, I'll be here for the next few years and excited about it.

Q. On 18 you were taking in some sights and the views.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's definitely nice. It's a great part of the country, beautiful area, and especially when you get days like this. It's good to be out here playing golf in this kind of weather.

Q. How much do you feel like a host, as sort, because this is your home state?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I haven't really had to do anything. I just show up and play golf, so not too much (laughter.) It's great to come back and play for hometown fans and get to see a lot of people.

Q. What do you feel about your putting?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I feel like I'm rolling it good, just need to make more putts.

Q. Being back in action so quick after the Masters, is it odd having a quick turnaround, being back in competition, tournament golf, after having some years off where you were skipping this tournament?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, I mean I play back-to-back tournaments all the time, so it's no different. I haven't played here in a while, so it's definitely a little bit different being here. But it's still the same. I still prepared like any other golf tournament.

Q. How much, if any, do you notice the size of the fan following today? Is that normal for you on Thursday or is that a huge crowd as far as an opening round goes on a regular PGA Tour?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: We had a nice crowd out there. I think it's pretty normal. I don't know, I didn't really pay attention.

Q. How were the scoring conditions this morning, especially with the soft fairways, soft greens, and not as much wind?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, the scoring conditions today were good. There's not a lot of wind. Good weather. The course is in great shape. Low scores are out there, for sure.

Q. Were you surprised you were paired with Wesley, at all?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, not at all. I've known Wesley for a long time. So, no, the pairing was good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 17:21:00 GMT

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