RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wesley Bryan

Quick Quotes

WESLEY BRYAN: You need to keep your ball in the fairway on the right side of the fairway out here, and it's a golf course you have to be precise with your irons. You get it on the green you usually have a pretty good look at birdie. It's one of those golf courses I really like. And hopefully we'll have a lot of success here for a lot of years.

Q. You mentioned muscle memory earlier in this week about what this tournament means and how well you've played it. How much did that kind of come back to you the first time in tournament play this year?
WESLEY BRYAN: I took a lot of time off, like I mentioned earlier in the week, to get ready for this couple of weeks, and made some minor changes and getting back on a golf course that I'm really comfortable at and being able to win last year was obviously really special. But it also validates that this is the type of golf course that if I play my best I can compete and win at.

So it's a course I feel like sets up really nicely for me if I can keep getting the ball in the fairway. I didn't putt too well today, but should have a pretty good chance.

Q. What about this course suits you so well?
WESLEY BRYAN: It's not overly long. You have a fair amount of short and mid-irons in out here. The par-3s are really tough. So you've got to be really precise with your irons. And traditionally the guy that putts the best out here usually has a lot of success. So that's one of the strengths of my game and I feel that's why it sets up pretty good for me.

Q. What was it like playing with Dustin and Matt. And then talk about the increased crowd today?
WESLEY BRYAN: Yeah, the crowd was great. Heard a lot more Kuch's than I was expecting, but he was playing great out there.

Dustin, he hits the ball far. That pretty easily sums it up. He looked good out there. Pretty solid. Made a couple of mistakes, but he's the best player in the world and he showed glimpse of that today, for sure.

Q. You're the only guy that gets to be called the defending champion on the course. I'm sure you're locked in. But when you walk up to 9 and 18 and they say that, how nice is that feeling?
WESLEY BRYAN: It's nice. Obviously some snarky comments come from Kuch, but that's to be expected. But it's a lot of fun. I'm going to soak it all in this week and hopefully come next year they'll be doing the same thing.

Q. What kind of comments?

Q. What do you want to work on?
WESLEY BRYAN: I'm going to go hit some balls on the range and then hit a few putts and rest up and get ready for tomorrow.

Q. How does it compare to especially last week at Augusta and now being back here at this place?
WESLEY BRYAN: The golf courses -- they don't really compare, other than they've got a tee box, a fairway, a green and a hole. But it's a totally different style of golf. But it's also one of those golf courses if you hit good shots you get rewarded, if you hit bad shots you get penalized.

I'm looking forward to the next couple of days and hopefully get in contention.

Q. Is there one aspect of this course that really fits your game well?
WESLEY BRYAN: The greens being a surface that I'm familiar with, growing up on Bermuda, I know it's a little over seeded right now, but the grass out here is very comfortable. And it's what I like most about it.

Q. What do you think you have to do to make a run this weekend?
WESLEY BRYAN: More birdies and bogeys. Pretty easy.

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Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 17:33:00 GMT

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