RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Chesson Hadley

Quick Quotes

Q. What a beautiful round of golf. 66. Six birdies and a bogey. What was working the best for you today?
CHESSON HADLEY: You know, my putter was definitely the best part of the game. I could have probably driven it a little bit better. But I didn't feel I was too far off with that. I hit some of the harder tee shots, I actually executed those pretty well. Everything was pretty good today, overall. I had one kind of uncommitted shot and made a bogey there, didn't get the ball up and down. It was a good round, very pleased. That's certainly my lowest round here by at least two or three.

Q. Sometimes golf courses take a little bit of experience and a few times around this course. It's a tight course. And you've got to know really by experience where to hit driver and where not to, would you agree?
CHESSON HADLEY: Absolutely. The course is totally different today than it was on Tuesday. It's running out a little bit. The greens are a little bit firmer, they're bouncing. I hit 5-iron on the last hole, whereas I hit 3-iron on Tuesday. That just kind of gives you an idea of how differently it plays. And it's going to continue to firm up. I guess it looks like we might have a little bit of moisture coming our way Sunday, but we're not even close to Sunday yet. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. A little bit tougher out there this afternoon?
CHESSON HADLEY: I felt like the wind picked up there for the 6th or 7th hole. It got a little bit breezy. Nothing crazy, but it was certainly a little bit firmer out there, as well, probably more so than in the morning. There are some favorable flags you can get at. If you're making putts you can really score. So I was very pleased with the round today. Looking forward to tomorrow morning.

Q. When you got out maybe to warm up and you saw there were a lot of red numbers on the board, maybe even saw that Rory Sabbatini had gone to minus 7, what goes through your mind at that time?
CHESSON HADLEY: I like to look at the scoreboard. It can kind of put you in a frame of mind going into the round knowing you have to -- it is favorable out there. Sometimes that's good. Sometimes that's bad. You can start pressing a little bit and that's never a good thing. You feel like you get behind the 8-ball and start making mistakes, and falling farther behind.

I looked this morning, and saw there were some birdies being made. I figured there would be. Hopefully we'll have some soft conditions in the morning. Tomorrow will be great.

Q. Was it a gradual pick up of the wind over your round or was there a couple of holes where it really started to come on?
CHESSON HADLEY: Well, we started on the back. And after 10 you head into 11 and you're back into the trees, and you don't necessarily feel it as much. It wasn't really until we got for 16 where I thought it really started to pick up. I didn't really feel like it was gradual. It was just kind of like me, all or nothing.

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Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-12 21:02:00 GMT

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