RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Si Woo Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. That was tremendous playing. Great play. 65 with a triple bogey. What was working so well for you today?
SI WOO KIM: I had a really good round today and was happy with how I played. On 14 I ended up making a bogey with a penalty, so that ended up being a triple bogey, but I think that made me play more aggressive today, so I'm very happy with the round.

Q. Could you explain the penalty on 14?
SI WOO KIM: I was in the bunker and I was unable to get out of the bunker and it stayed on the fringe and I ended up touching the sand with my hands and I ended getting a penalty stroke for that.

Q. Touching the sand for --
SI WOO KIM: I scrubbed the sand in front of the ball. And I realized after that I got a penalty for touching the sand.

Q. I'm still confused. Were you trying to get -- figure out if you were in the bunker?
SI WOO KIM: I honestly didn't know. I thought I was in the fringe and then I tried to get rid of the sand, but then I realized it was a penalty after.

Q. When was the last time you had a 65 with a triple bogey?
SI WOO KIM: This might be the first time that I've played so well with a triple bogey, but I'm having great feel around the greens and I feel really confident around the greens. I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Q. Have you played here before?

Q. 65 here on Friday. How would you describe your day here at Hilton Head?
SI WOO KIM: I felt really good out there today. I played a good round yesterday, so I had some good momentum coming in. And unfortunately I had the penalty on 14 that kind of dropped me back. But that made me play more aggressive and I think that led to a lot of the birdies I had today.

Q. Where is the confidence level heading into the weekend with a chance to win on Tour?
SI WOO KIM: Just being in contention today, I was kind of surprised to see my name on top of the leaderboard, but it makes me excited to contend on the weekend. And I hope to win this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 16:45:00 GMT

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