RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Brandt Snedeker

Quick Quotes

Q. 8 birdies today. What changed in 24 hours for you?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: Not much. I think I'm playing the best golf I've played in a long time. It was good to get back to basics, keep your head down and I did a great job of that today.

Q. Being a former champion of this event how much does that affect the mental outlook when you come to an event like this and then turn it around like you did today?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: It's great when you have good memories walking around here. Anytime you get a good vibe on the golf course it's always helpful. It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're here. I give this place a lot of credit for getting that attitude where it needs to be.

Q. How are you feeling about the weekend now with all that going on?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: I'm excited. My game has been like this for a while. It's good to be back in the mix again. I'm going to try to advance from here.

Q. Big move up the leaderboard here on Friday. How would you characterize your second round effort?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: I've feel like I've been playing this well for a while and for whatever reason the scores haven't been there. This week is about getting back to basics and doing what I do well, focusing on that, and I did a great job of that today. I went out and played some solid golf. I only got in trouble one time. Besides that I played some really solid golf. I'm excited about the weekend, the opportunity in front of me, and I'm going to have some fun and enjoy golf.

Q. How much does that happen when you come back to a place where you've won, to maybe jump start some old memories?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: It helps a lot. Anytime you show up at a golf course that you've had success at it puts a smile on your face, especially at Harbour Town and obviously the Heritage. They do a great job of making us feel like family for the week. It's such a laid back, great atmosphere. The fans here are unbelievable. It's fun to be where you feel like you belong. You feel like it's almost a home for you, it puts you in the right frame of mind.

Q. How would you describe the last nine months battling injuries, not getting the results you want, yet feeling like you can still do it?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: It was about as frustrating as I've ever been in my career for a long time. It's been tough. I feel like I'm working hard or harder than I ever have in my career. I feel like I'm doing all the stuff right.

It's nice, kind of hit the reset button, to play golf and figure it out. I did a great job of that today, kept my mind free, hit a bunch of quality shots and got back to what I do well.

It was a great way to get back in the mix. I played and obviously got back in the mix, so the weekend is going to be a lot of fun.

Q. The wind is picking up. I know 16, 17, 18 gets harder as the day goes along. Do you think going out in the morning made it easier?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: Definitely. You get softer conditions in the morning, the wind is not too much of a factor. We saw it yesterday morning. I think it played two shots or a shot and a half harder in the afternoon. So I'm kind of hoping for the same today, being that I'm in the clubhouse right now. I wouldn't mind a nice little stiff breeze for these guys. But all in all to be within shouting distance after today, for sure, for the weekend. A lot of fun golf ahead.

Q. What makes this course unique?
BRANDT SNEDEKER: Just the fact that it never changes. You know what you're getting every time you go out there. With that being said, it feels like every shot -- you never have the same shot twice. You know it from years past, but the wind is always a little bit different, the conditions are always a little bit different. You can't really pull on a lot of history. You can in some instances, and in other instances it's a new shot. It's tough from that aspect. And it's just a constant battle out there, as much as you feel like you can play great golf all day around here, you get one shot loose and you're paying for it real quickly. They did a great job making sure you're always on your toes, and penalizing you when you do hit one off the grid or in a bad spot.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 17:14:00 GMT

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