RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Ian Poulter

Additional Quick Quotes

Q. Ian, just another superb round of golf. Seven birdies, no bogeys on the card. That putter you brought out, it's just been on fire.
IAN POULTER: Yeah, it's been nice. Keeping a clean card is key around this golf course. If you hit greens in regulation you're generally not that far off from the pin. I made a few nice birdie putts, as well. Holed a couple of nice par putts. 7-under par is a nice round. I would loved to have had another couple, missed one there just on 9 to finish up. But I would have taken that at the start of the day.

Q. The course played tougher by the numbers in the afternoon yesterday. What was it like out there today for you?
IAN POULTER: It was definitely friendlier, I'll say that. The wind was in the same direction, stayed that way yesterday afternoon, switching around a bit. I would think it would be similar for the guys this afternoon. The wind is going to probably start to swirl through the trees, which it normally does.

So, yeah, the morning wave will definitely get the best of the greens. Obviously slightly softer greens, as well. It's a great golf course. It's a very clever course. It's not the longest one we play, but it's probably the smartest one.

Q. What a month. Match play, and there was the whole thing about whether you were in or out of the Masters. Then you go to Houston, you win in a playoff. You get in the Masters. You play last week. You're here this week. You must be running on adrenaline right now.
IAN POULTER: Fumes, I think, right now. Six weeks in a row is really unusual. I don't normally do that, but obviously circumstances need be. I put myself in a position to make the Masters. I did it. And then I obviously committed to this a few weeks ago. So, yeah, I wasn't going to miss it. It's a good course. I was in position last year. Didn't quite get the job done. Hopefully I can continue and play some good golf this weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 17:22:00 GMT

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