RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

C.T. Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. 65. Tell us what was working the best for you today?
C.T. PAN: Everything. My putter was really hot in the front nine. I don't think I missed any putts. So that was good. I missed one eagle putt by about 15 feet. I always take a birdie on that hole every single day. I hit a lot of fairways, a lot of greens, gave myself a lot of opportunities. So it worked out.

Q. Did you find the wind conditions a little more difficult than yesterday morning this afternoon?
C.T. PAN: Yes, it's definitely more, breezier, and it swirls. Sometimes you have to hit some shots under the tree. If you are going to hit the wedge shot over the tree line then you need to watch out for the wind. So it's quite tricky out there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 20:30:00 GMT

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