RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Luke List

Quick Quotes

Q. 64 in the second round.
LUKE LIST: I played really well yesterday, just didn't putt that well. Kind of had to adjust to the greens. The course is in fantastic shape.

Q. Did you find the conditions, obviously you played yesterday morning, today you played this afternoon, conditions tougher?
LUKE LIST: Like I said, I played really well yesterday, and it was easy in the morning round, I just didn't score. Parred all the par-5s pretty much with long irons in, in the middle of the fairway. I'd still like to take advantage of the par-5s a little bit better, I haven't done that this week.

Q. You really came out with a lot of confidence, especially this spring going into the summer, what can you do to keep the momentum going?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, I'm in a really good place right now, I have a great support system around me. I've got to give myself credit for the good shots and kind of dismiss the bad ones.

Q. Is that a concept you've gotten through the years?
LUKE LIST: It's so hard. And every cliché, one shot at a time, and all that stuff, is something you work on. To me it's just getting rid of the bad stuff. And as far as being nice to myself, really that's the biggest thing. I'm working on it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 21:07:00 GMT

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