RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Billy Horschel

Quick Quotes

Q. What's been working for you this week?
BILLY HORSCHEL: You know, I just think I'm really trusting what we've been working on the last couple of -- really been working on it all year. But a couple more changes we made just to improve my ball-striking I'm trusting this week. My misses are acceptable. They're coming out the right window. I'm missing it where I should and that's a big thing. And I'm making putts. But the iron playing is really a big thing, which has not really been good the last year. It's always been a strength my entire career.

Q. The trust factor, taking it from the range to the course, is that something that you have to kind of convince yourself early in the process to trust?
BILLY HORSCHEL: You know, it's tough to say. For me I trust it. The problem is my tempo from the range to the course is a lot quicker. And then I start trying to steer it a little too much. On the range you can just let it go, and wherever it goes, it goes. On the course you have parameters you have to hit it in. We've been trying to make the parameters a little tighter on the range so when I'm on the course I'm a little more comfortable with it. Just tweaking a little bit in practice. And so when I do get on the course it sort of just becomes natural.

Q. Has this week been a little bit more of a breakthrough in that department than previous ones?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Yeah, a little bit. At the same time trying not to do a whole bunch. Not think a lot. This is the first time I haven't carried a yardage book in my entire career. I decided to get rid of the yardage book. My caddie has got one, obviously. He gives me the numbers, and all I'm trying to do is execute the shot. I'm not taking the numbers he gives me and looking at all the little slopes and where the bunkers are and having all these numbers in my head. It's number to the pin and number we're trying to fly it to and that's it. So less is more for me.

Q. Overthinking can be a danger?
BILLY HORSCHEL: For me, yes.

Q. What do you see for the weekend? Looks like you'll be two shots out going into the weekend, how does it set up for you?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Obviously there's still a lot of guys left that have a chance to win this thing. Tomorrow is going to be -- I think the conditions are going to be pretty good. And Sunday we'll see what happens. Obviously the greens may firm up, may get a little bit quicker. But I'm just going to keep trying to do what I do and playing some solid golf and see where we stand tomorrow afternoon.

Q. Five birdies, three bogeys. A little bit of a mixed bag today. Tell us what you thought about your round, what were your thoughts today?
BILLY HORSCHEL: I felt like I played pretty good. Obviously the conditions today were a lot tougher than we had yesterday morning. Two of the bogeys I hit really good shots. On No. 4, the 6-iron was a little bit off to the right, flew about six yards further than we wanted and then I had a really tough two-putt.

And then being the guinea pig on 14 is never a good thing. I hit a 7-iron that I thought was really good, but it was playing more downwind than we thought. And then you see Duff and Charles hit 8-iron. Two bogeys, it happens.

I felt like I played pretty solid today. Gave myself a lot of chances on the backside. The front side was a little nervous. I just try and find my comfort zone again. Played well the first day and trying not to protect what I did the day before, but try to improve on it type deal.

I did a really good job of stepping up and being aggressive. I think No. 9 tee shot was huge. I could have easily held laid back and had a wedge in there. But it was a perfect driver just to get it up there, and chance to get the chip close and birdie. It gave me a lot of confidence on the back side.

Q. Just a couple off the lead as it stands right now, what's going to be your attitude going into tomorrow and then Sunday, the weather could be a bit dodgy, as well?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Yeah, the weather doesn't look great right now. But we've still got 48 hours, hopefully it changes. We don't want to go into Monday.

Tomorrow I'm going to do what I've done the last couple of days, play some solid golf. Really just get in my zone. The last year I've been worried more about other stuff going on in the golf course, what other people are doing. I've got way too much info going in my head. This week we decided to get rid of the yardage book and see how that would go, and it's been really great for me in my practice rounds and playing. I don't use the yardage book. It's in my back pocket, but I don't use it. Having less info has always been a great thing for me. And not having that yardage book has actually been a pretty good thing.

So like I said, do what I've done the last two days, find my comfort zone and hopefully make some birdies and have a chance going into Sunday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 21:20:00 GMT

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