RBC Heritage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. After back-to-back rounds of 69, 4-under, halfway home. How would you describe the first two days at Harbour Town?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: They're okay. Today I felt like I had a lot of opportunities, just didn't capitalize on them. The game is in good shape. I feel like I'm playing really solid. I'm giving myself some chances, and looking forward to this weekend. Definitely had a lot better showing here this year than I did my first two previous attempts.

Q. Last time you were here, 2009, what's it like to be back playing with all these fans?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's great. We've had a great showing of fans out here the last two days. And I'm sure the weekend is just going to get better. But it was a lot of fun coming back to my home state playing. And I'm looking forward to this weekend.

Q. How would you describe your second round?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It was okay. I felt like I'm hitting the ball well. I just really didn't get a lot out of the round. I just didn't get anything out of it. Had a lot of opportunities, just didn't make any putts. I feel like the game is in really good form. I feel like I can definitely shoot some good scores out here if I keep playing the way I'm playing.

Q. Has that kind of been the first couple of days, just not making any putts?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I didn't really get on a roll. Yesterday I made four birdies in a row or something, got a little bit going after a slow start.

But today I felt like I hit really good shots, just never really got rewarded for them. And then I just burned the edges a lot with some putts.

Q. Is this tough, coming from the Masters to here, to kind of get going again mentally and physically, after such a demanding week at Augusta?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's definitely a different week. It's a little more relaxed this week. But I come here to compete. I want to be able to have a chance to win on Sunday. I'm not coming here just to hang out. I'm coming here to play golf. And so I feel like I'm ready for that. I'm looking forward to a really good weekend. I have to go really low tomorrow, though.

Q. How nice is it to be playing here in your home state this weekend?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's good. I like this golf course. I think it sets up well for me. Just at this point it's all about rolling in some putts. If I can roll in some putts starting tomorrow, especially get off to a nice start, I think I can post a pretty good score.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-13 21:52:00 GMT

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