RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. As you head into Sunday, your thoughts on Saturday's round here?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Short a little bit on the greens today. Gave myself a lot of opportunities, just didn't make any putts. It wasn't like I was having long putts, I missed a lot of short ones. Around here you've got to hole some putts if you want to compete.

Q. Your reaction to moving the tee times up for tomorrow to get in front of the impending weather, does that change your strategy at all?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, it's going to be a difficult day tomorrow. It's going to be windy. And hopefully the thunderstorms hold off until we're done. That would be nice. But tomorrow is going to be a tough day. It's going to be windy. And around here if the wind blows it makes the golf course a lot tougher.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-14 20:08:00 GMT

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