RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Kevin Kisner

Quick Quotes

Q. As you can hear back here, this is a course that plays favorites. I heard you were getting some love today. Do you feel supported when you come to Harbour Town, because it seems like you are one of the favorites for the crowd?
KEVIN KISNER: I think I'm getting more support every year. It's great to come back to the home state and get to play here. I love the golf course. I love the area. I spent a lot of time here in my youth so I'm very familiar with it. I always enjoy all the support I can get.

Q. Scoring conditions have been tough all day, how were you able to get some numbers there?
KEVIN KISNER: I think I had a good run yesterday afternoon where we got pretty familiar with these conditions. It's almost identical conditions to yesterday afternoon. Got off to a good start and then stalled out in the middle and then got hot there late.

Q. How much of an exclamation point was that birdie at 18?
KEVIN KISNER: I told my caddie on the tee, we had to make one more to have a chance tomorrow. So we went ahead and hit driver and got aggressive off the tee. That was the game plan so it worked out.

Q. Speaking of tomorrow, you've got the crazy weather conditions and early tee times, does that change up anything for you guys?
KEVIN KISNER: Well, obviously the golf course is going to be more difficult. Anytime you put 20 mile an hour wind, doesn't matter where we play, it's going to be more difficult. You've still got to make birdies. One thing I've learned on this Tour, guys are going to make birdies. So I'm going to be aggressive early and try to catch up to them quickly.

Q. Is there anything you change in order to try to adapt to the conditions or are you just going to have to make it all happen?
KEVIN KISNER: I think it just shows who is the best when it's dicey. Hopefully if I'm on my game I'll rise to the top.

Q. When the conditions are going to be dicey the next day, does that put a little pressure to do something today?
KEVIN KISNER: Oh, absolutely. If I came out and shot 1 or 2-under I'd be shooting myself out of the tournament today. I knew with what was coming I knew I had to get up with two, three back of the lead to have a chance. And I'm hoping they don't run too far away from me this afternoon.

Q. We know you contended here late last year, what's going into your mind as you head into Sunday, knowing that you came close last year?
KEVIN KISNER: Last year was pretty pitiful on the back nine on Sunday, so I'm going to try to make amends with it and do a little better on the back nine. I feel comfortable. I'm swinging great and I've got a lot of confidence, so I'm looking forward to it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-14 21:16:00 GMT

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