RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 14, 2018

C.T. Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. How about that birdie run, 15, 16 and 17? Man, that was exciting.
C.T. PAN: Oh, yeah. On 15 I had almost a hundred yards, and I knew it was downwind. I hit it with lob wedge to make sure I can have a shot for birdie. And hit really great shot. Wind picked up, so it really helped me a lot.

Next hole, same thing. I took a shorter club, because I knew -- mentally, by body feel really pumped, so I was able to hit it perfect, a couple of feet away.

Q. Making that putt as well on 17 up the slope?
C.T. PAN: Yeah, on 17, seeing Billy Horschel really helped me understand the line. And didn't take much time there, and just went ahead and hit it. It went in so it was great.

Q. Just your second appearance at this event. Tied for 44th last year, how excited are you to be in contention and playing on Sunday?
C.T. PAN: I'm excited. I love being in contention. That's what I'm here for. We'll go out and have a fun round tomorrow.

Q. How do you assess your round today?
C.T. PAN: I feel great. 67 on Saturday, it moved me up quite a bit. I hit a lot of good shots and it was a very good day.

Q. What happened on 18?
C.T. PAN: 18, it was just -- didn't really hit a good shot and left myself a long approach shot. And then the wind was dying, I didn't notice that. And that's why I came out short.

Q. Before that, though, a lot of players had struggled once you get past about 13. You actually made up some ground with four birdies on the previous five. How did you turn that around?
C.T. PAN: I put myself in really good position. From 15, 16, 17, they all have good yardage for me for my approach shots. I was able to hit a lot of good shots out of there and make a really big putt on 17. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow again.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-14 21:32:00 GMT

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