RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Billy Horschel

Quick Quotes

BILLY HORSCHEL: What it really comes down to is me having too much info. Josh gives me the yardages to the front, to the pin, and then I'd look at where the slope was and giving myself more numbers in my head to think about. And then just way too much information. So pretty much Josh gives me the front number, the pin number, and we talk about where I want to land it and that's it. Just simple stuff.

Q. (No microphone.)
BILLY HORSCHEL: Good swing, here, wind is coming off the left a little bit. Tried to start left center of the green and let the wind take it back right and it was looking good all the way.

Q. (No microphone.)
BILLY HORSCHEL: Really good up. We are just trying to get back to where I swung in '14 and '13 -- really my entire career. We got off base a little bit. We were trying to go more to a cut on call. And just tried to get out of those habits. And right now it's just get a little deeper in the backswing and try and stay closed a little bit longer, and allow the arm to swing down and past me. I feel like I'm drawing, but really what it is is a five yard draw at most.

Q. (No microphone.)
BILLY HORSCHEL: Nice to be back in the thick of it. This year has sort of been weird. Results haven't been great. But the practice at home has been going really well. It's frustrating when you don't see the results. It's a little bit more a mental thing with me right now. So I needed to get back in the way I was thinking my entire career, especially '13 and '14. Are we there completely? No, but we're making good strides.

Q. Solid, 4-under par to get yourself to 11-under today.
BILLY HORSCHEL: Yeah, it was a really good round of golf today. Obviously could have been a little better, had some opportunities on the front side with some birdies. I felt like the greens were a touch slower today. But overall a really good day. I hit it well. Really good position going into tomorrow's round.

Q. You've got a great chance to move up in the FedExCup standings. Obviously you're not where you want to be now, but things can really change in 18 holes tomorrow. How excited are you for those 18?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Yeah, I would love to be higher than I am now. But there's still a lot of golf left. I feel like honestly I haven't played my best golf this year. But I feel like I practiced well. It's sort of a strange combination there.

So I know there's a lot of tournaments from here going into The TOUR Championship that I play well in. It's nice that I'm seeing a little more confidence from my game and seeing the results and everything so I can build off that. And that's the big thing. We're just trying to build a little bit week-to-week, day-to-day. And I feel like if we continue to do that then the FedExCup number will take care of itself.

Q. 4-under, 67, here on Saturday. How would you assess the third round?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Really good round of golf. I hit some good shots today. You can always be lower, and make some more putts, had some opportunities on the front that I didn't take advantage of it. But happy with it.

I needed to come out here, play a good round of golf, put myself in position going into tomorrow. I think tomorrow's conditions -- obviously we're going to play before the weather, but it's going to be windy, so it's going to be challenging. I needed to get up there mid week to give myself a chance to win.

Q. We talked earlier in the week that you've been putting in the work, the results maybe hadn't quite been getting there. When you see things come together, what does that do for you confidence-wise with 18 to go?
BILLY HORSCHEL: It just adds to the confidence. I need to go with -- all we try to do now is try to go out with some confidence. And we're doing a really good job of it. And we're just going to do the same thing tomorrow. We're not going to try to get ahead of myself, not think about winning, just go out and try to play a good round of golf and see what happens. Obviously I think the last nine holes really is where I decide what do I need to do. Go out and play the first nine holes and make the turn and see where we are, and make a decision on the back side how aggressive we play or how conservative.

Q. How would you assess your round today?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Good solid round of golf today. Two bogeys on the scorecard. Bad iron shot on 18. And it happens. It was a really good bogey. Unfortunately the sand shot, I had no sand in there. The last place I wanted to be was over the green with my chip up for par. So really good bogey on 18 but really solid day of golf. Hit the ball well. Stayed patient. Didn't get ahead of myself. And Josh and I, we did a really good job of just doing what we've done the last two days and that's the game plan.

Q. How important was it to post a number low, because of what's going to happen tomorrow?
BILLY HORSCHEL: I think it was more about just putting yourself in position going into tomorrow. It wasn't about I need to come out and shoot 6-under, I need to shoot 4-under par. It was I need to go out and play a solid round of golf and stay near the lead. Because tomorrow conditions, I think the wind is going to blow hard. Obviously we hopefully get done before the weather moves in. It's going to be challenging. I'm in a good spot going into tomorrow, I'm happy where I am.

Q. (No microphone.)
BILLY HORSCHEL: I don't care. Early tee times are great. For me I'm the guy who wants to get going. I don't want to wait around. It's nice to go early and not have to sit at home or in your hotel thinking about what the day may have in store.

Q. What do you change in preparation for Sunday?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Nothing. My preparation doesn't change. I do everything I've done before, after rounds, early rounds. We just go out and play a good round of golf, make the turn after No. 9, see where we are on the leaderboard and then I'll make my decision on the back side, what do I need to do to -- am I in the lead, do I need to keep playing the way I am, or am I a little behind, do I need to make up some ground. We'll play our first solid nine holes of golf and see what happens on the back side.

Q. You seem to be able to come from a few back, does that give you confidence for tomorrow?
BILLY HORSCHEL: Yeah, I mean I don't really pay attention to what has happened here in the past. I'm more about just my game and doing what I can do. This course suits me well. I'm striking it well, putting well and thinking well. So it's a great combination and we'll see what tomorrow has in store.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-14 21:51:00 GMT

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