RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Luke List

Quick Quotes

Q. How good was the golf today, Luke, to shoot 4-under par and get yourself to 12-under for this championship?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, I got off to a bunch of pars, which is never a bad thing. But I felt like I left a few on the par-5s out there, and I just had a really good attitude all day. I hung in there and knew I was playing well and trusted in that. And was able to get a few birdies coming in which was nice.

Q. You had a good attitude on the 9th, out of the bunker, that unusual shaped green, you're in the bunker behind the green. Take it from there?
LUKE LIST: In hindsight it was probably 3-wood off the tee to leave it in front of the green, and I blasted the driver over and left it in a really tough spot. And made a compounded mistake by being in that bunker. But had a good attitude about it. Wasn't too mad. I was just trying to get that up and down and for that to go in was a bonus.

Q. Tied for 39th is your best performance at this championship, why such a change this year?
LUKE LIST: Coming in I didn't know if I was going to add it to my schedule. It's such a great area, I have a ton of family here, my wife's family is all here, and my family is here. We just tried to make a vacation out of it. And to play well on this golf course, I never really thought I'd play well here, but it's kind of all come together. I played well most of the year, anyway, I just kind of kept that attitude in here.

Q. How would you characterize the Day 3 at Hilton Head?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, really patient. I forced the issue a few times on this golf course, which didn't work for me. Today I got off to a decent start with a bunch of pars. I could have made some opportunities out of the par-5s. But to stay patient is the key.

Q. You seem to be putting yourself in the spot here in the final round. What are some of the keys you need to do tomorrow to finish it up?
LUKE LIST: You hear a lot of greats talking about keeping knocking on the door. I feel for me whether it's tomorrow or next week, I feel like it's going to happen. I'm playing too well for it not to. I'm just going to keep that attitude. I think that will free me up tomorrow.

Q. How would you describe your golf so far this season?
LUKE LIST: Very consistent. I feel like I've played all different types of golf courses really well. It's a testament of the hard work. And again it's coming. I'm really excited for it, whenever that will happen, whether it's tomorrow. But it's nice to play golf courses that I haven't thought I played traditionally very well. But fortunately I'm hanging in there this week.

Q. What happened on 18? We heard a loud roar.
LUKE LIST: Yeah, unfortunately that wasn't for me, my playing partner holed it from the bunker behind the green. I was close, but he got the big roar.

Q. How do you assess your round?
LUKE LIST: It was very consistent. I played nice tee to green. I left a few out there on the greens, but I was really patient and was able to capitalize coming in with a few birdies, which is always nice.

Q. You've been knocking on the door seems like all season, and even back into last season. You had a strong finish at Honda. Was it just a matter of time? Do you think this is your week?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, I'm not going to put too much pressure on. Whether it's this week or next week or a couple of months, it's coming. I'm going to keep that attitude. I'd love for it to be tomorrow, whether it is or not, I'm going to have the same attitude I've had all week and go from there.

Q. Does this round give you some momentum for tomorrow?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, sure. Anytime you shoot under par out here for me at Harbour Town it's a good score. To back up a 64 with a 67, I'm pretty happy. I'm striking it really well. So I'm excited about that going into Sunday.

Q. What makes tomorrow a little different are the early tee times.
LUKE LIST: Yeah, we're going to race to beat the weather. It will be close. It looks like the weather forecast is bad in the afternoon. Nothing we can do about that.

Q. The old adage is it's tough to follow up a good round with another good round, but you went 64, 67. What kind of confidence builder is that?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, for sure, without even looking at the numbers I know what I did out there. I was more pleased with just my attitude after getting off to kind of a slow start, just hanging in there. Even when I missed a short one on 12, I was really positive coming down the stretch.

Q. A lot of people within striking distance, how much fun is Sunday going to be?
LUKE LIST: It's going to be great. I'm glad there's 20 guys within four or five shots and that's always exciting for the fans and for us, too. It just shows that anybody can come from behind to win. I've got some work to do, for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-14 22:05:00 GMT

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