RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Bryson DeChambeau

Quick Quotes

Q. Strong finish, four birdies in five holes. What was going on?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: A lot of great ball-striking. A lot of good putts, that's for sure. It's a cliché to say that, but I had to just wait for the right wind today and be patient out there today. And that's certainly what I did in the last four holes. I bogeyed 13, 14, and I was shocked. I couldn't believe that I had really good shots. The only bad tee shot was on 12 and 13 today. Besides that I played beautifully. And if I had played better yesterday, it could have been something else.

Q. But a good top-10 finish. It has to make you feel good?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Absolutely. I'm playing well this year. I had a couple top-10s, I had a couple of chances to win. It's been a great year so far and I'm looking forward to the rest. We're only halfway through, a lot to come.

Q. What was it like playing in this kind of weather?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Brutal. Putting is the worst. You can't control it. You hit a putt and you think it's going to break two inches and it doesn't. Just one of those things. So fortunately I was able to wait on the right winds today and execute the right shots at the right time.

Q. Is it always playing kind of special playing at Harbour Town?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Absolutely. I love this place. And I'll come back here for a long, long time. It's pretty special to me and it always will be.

Q. You also got off to a strong start. Obviously the wind has been blowing all day, but what were the conditions at the start?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: They were a little calmer, I can say that. And I was fortunate enough to make a nice little 9-footer on 2 to keep me going. And then 3, didn't hit the best drive, didn't execute that. But still going in the right direction.

And as the day went on it got tougher and tougher. Once we got to hit 10 it was brutal. That winds was moving like, I don't know, 15, 20 miles an hour. That's not an easy tee shot to have that wind. If it's off the right it's a lot easier, at least for a right hander. But it was nice enough to make par there and play well the rest of the way in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-15 16:18:00 GMT

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