RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. First Heritage in almost a decade for you. How was the overall experience?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It was good. I felt like I played really well. I played the golf course pretty good tee to green. I struggled on the greens a bit. Other than that, if I putt well, I should be right up there with a chance to win, for sure because I played well enough.

Q. Anything from the weekend rounds that you feel you can take into future events?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: You know, I'll be back next year, for sure. Definitely just getting a little bit better feel on these greens. They're kind of tricky to read and I definitely struggled reading them for sure.

Q. You get a couple of weeks off now?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yes, it's going to be nice. I've got a little vacation next week, so I'm excited about that. I'm on my way right now.

Q. Where are you headed?

Q. When do you come back?

Q. You've held the No. 1 spot now for one of the longest streaks. Is that part of your thinking? Do you look at that at all?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, sometimes. But most of the time now I just try -- I want to play as good as I can. And I want to feel like my game is in really good form, which it is right now. I've got a few weeks off so I'm going to spend a lot of time on the putting green. I feel like I'm swinging it real well, driving it well, wedging it really good. So every part of my game is going really well. I'm not making as many putts as I'd like to. But I don't think we ever make as many as you'd like to. I feel like I'm putting below average right now.

So I've got a few weeks, though, to work on it and I'll be ready for THE PLAYERS.

Q. Is this what you sort of anticipated last year?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, the game is starting to come back in really good form. I had a really good week last week at Augusta. I struck the ball really well. I did everything really good other than it was the same kind of thing, I need to start rolling the greens a little bit. Now I know what I need to work on so I've got three weeks to work on it, so I'll get back out there.

Q. Did you make yourself like this golf course?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I like the golf course, yeah. I really do. It actually sets up really well for me. I like the golf holes -- I don't really like No. 11 and No. 9, but other than that I like the golf course a lot. I played those holes a total of 5-over this week.

Q. (No microphone.)
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I was actually trying to hit a low one, maybe chase it up on the green. I had to sit there and wait.

Q. Three majors left, what's your anticipation as far as the venues?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I've never played Shinnecock. So I'm going to hopefully get up there before the players and just go see it, depending on the weather. If not I'll go right after THE PLAYERS. Yeah, I've heard great things about Shinnecock. I've played Carnoustie. I haven't played Bellerive, so I'll get over there and play it hopefully at least once before the week starts.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-15 16:29:00 GMT

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