RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Satoshi Kodaira

Quick Quotes

Q. What a wonderful round of golf today. Right now you are in the clubhouse. How was this golf course for you, do you feel really comfortable here?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: Yes, this course is very similar to courses in Japan. And during the practice round I felt very comfortable playing this course. So, yes, it fit me very well.

Q. You had a great start, three birdies and then a little bit of a strum Bell there at No. 16 -- No. 17, that's a very difficult hole?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: Yes, the second shot was difficult there. But I was able to overcome that.

Q. Right now you are eligible to play next week in the Valero Texas Open in San Antonio, are you going to play?

Q. You have in the made that many starts on the PGA Tour. Does today's performance give you confidence that you belong here?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: Yes, I've been playing very well since the Masters last week. And this result gives me a lot of confidence.

Q. I overheard you tell television that when you got here you felt very comfortable at Harbour Town. What made you comfortable?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: We had a lot of birdie chances and a lot of great shots. Why I'm comfortable here is this course is very similar to the courses in Japan, a little bit shorter and a shaped course. I felt very comfortable in the practice rounds.

Q. Have you had any conversations with Hideki Matsuyama about playing here on Tour on a regular basis?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: I've not talked to Hideki. But I've been watching him on TV and it gives me confidence and inspiration to play on the PGA Tour.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-15 17:24:00 GMT

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