RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Billy Horschel

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell us about today and the weather conditions. It had to be pretty tough out there?
BILLY HORSCHEL: It wasn't too bad. Obviously with soft wind it doesn't make the course play too tough. And I played pretty good, just wasn't that sharp in the execution of my short game. And I made one bad swing at No. 8. It was just the way it was all day. It was just tough. I made a double at 8. I just missed a birdie at 9. I made two good swings at 10 and 11. I thought I stiffed them. And one goes over the green and ends up short. It is what it is. I played good. Like I said, I just wasn't as sharp as I was the last few days.

Q. Was the wind a tough factor?
BILLY HORSCHEL: You get back in those trees and the wind is blowing hard, you know what direction it's coming from. It's easy to know it's down and off to the right or it's into us off the left. So it was just sometimes the wind may not blow in those trees sometimes or it may pick up a little more. It is challenging, but we all had to deal with it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-15 17:58:00 GMT

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