RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Luke List

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you assess your play today?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, I hit a good putt, just didn't hit very many fairways. Honestly, that really put myself behind the 8-ball. I wasn't able to play as consistent as I was the first three days. That was unfortunate that the swing wasn't there today. But I hung in there and had a great attitude. And I had a chance at the end there.

Q. What will you take away from this week?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, this golf course, a lot of people wouldn't think would fit my eye. For me to contend and feel a little under the weather is really positive for me, and I look forward to going to San Antonio next week.

Q. Getting a couple of close finishes, and like people said, this could be your breakthrough, when do you think that will come?
LUKE LIST: Hopefully next week. I'm getting better each opportunity. And I feel like my game has risen to the point where I expect to contend every week. So it's going to happen.

Q. Were the conditions as tough as they looked?
LUKE LIST: Yeah. The wind was up today pretty high. It swirls. That's the key for Harbour Town is you're down underneath the trees and you don't feel it, and then it gets above the trees and it's blowing 20, 25 miles an hour. It's one of those things you have to contend with. I think I did a pretty good job of it.

Q. Conditions testing day?
LUKE LIST: For sure. It was definitely a challenge day, condition-wise.

Q. At the same time, patience almost paid off. You were one back with one to go?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, I felt if I made that putt, Si Woo unfortunately didn't hit a lot of great putts coming in, but he still gave himself a lot of opportunities early on. I felt like if I made that putt obviously we'd go into a playoff, which would be nice.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-15 18:17:00 GMT

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