RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Si Woo Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Just talk about that back nine. I know you had a great run in the front nine. Did the nerves kind of kick in on the back nine?
SI WOO KIM: Rather than it being nerves, I think with the weather it kind of slowed the greens down and it kind of affected them, how I made the putts. But I tried my best and the putts didn't drop. It is what it is.

Q. It was an exciting playoff round, talk about the excitement of just doing that?
SI WOO KIM: I didn't have the momentum going obviously on the final hole in regulation. I missed a short one. But I give props to my opponent, he made a great putt on the last one.

Q. The crowd really got behind you. It was really exciting to see them cheer for you. Was that exciting to see an American crowd cheer for you?
SI WOO KIM: Even though I'm not an American player, I'm just incredibly grateful to see some of these fans cheering my name and cheering for me in the playoff. And I hope that even if I'm playing with an American player these fans would cheer for me.

Q. Obviously the conditions were really tough today. But on the back nine was there something that made it more tough than usual?
SI WOO KIM: I think the wind kind of picked up on the back nine which kind of affected my game. But with the weather coming, I think it affected it.

Q. Is there one shot that you'd like to have back?
SI WOO KIM: The last putt.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2018-04-15 19:05:00 GMT

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