RBC Heritage

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Satoshi Kodaira

Press Conference

JOHN BUSH: We'd like to welcome the defending champion to the RBC Heritage, Satoshi Kodaira. I would also like to introduce One Kashima. One is a student at the Heritage Academy and also a golfer at the International Junior Golf Academy. She will be assisting us with some translating this morning. So welcome to One, as well.

First of all, Satoshi, if we can get you to take us back to your first PGA Tour victory last year, very exciting playoff win. If you can comment on what that meant for your career.

SATOSHI KODAIRA: Being in this tournament last year was quite a happening. I didn't come in with any expectations but I ended up winning and it changed my life.

JOHN BUSH: If you can, talk a little bit about your season up to this point on the PGA Tour this year.

SATOSHI KODAIRA: The first of the season was a bit challenging, but as of late I've gotten much better. I'm excited for this weekend.

Q. Just wondering, you were at Augusta last week, what was your Master's experience like and how close did it come to being what you expected it to be?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: This is my second year playing in The Masters and second year making the cut but I didn't finish as well as I did the previous year, which was a little bit frustrating. But given my poor short game throughout the week I still finished reasonably well.

Q. Thinking back to Sunday a year ago, would you talk about your favorite memory of winning? Was it somebody that congratulated you? Just what was it like for you?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: When I finished on Sunday I didn't really think I was going to win but then I got into the playoff. So as we got into the playoff I told myself I didn't want to give up on the chance I was given so I tried my best and ended up winning.

Q. What was your biggest surprise about being on the PGA Tour all of last year? It could be the food or the people or special events that you really enjoyed.
SATOSHI KODAIRA: Most of the players around here don't even know who I am. So I went into the tournament the following week so many players came up to me and told me congratulations, which surprised me, but also made me feel very happy.

Q. You were part of the opening ceremony yesterday and obviously there's a cannon shot there. What was that like, the big bang?
SATOSHI KODAIRA: There's not really very many opening ceremonies like that in Japan and the cannon was a complete surprise to me and something that I would never have imagined doing. But it's such a great event and something I'll never forget.

JOHN BUSH: One and Satoshi, thank you for joining us. Satoshi, best of luck this week in your title defense.


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