RBC Heritage

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Francesco Molinari

Quick Quotes

JOHN BUSH: Francesco, welcome back to the RBC Heritage. Just give us some comments on just being back at Hilton Head.

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, I love to be back. It's always been one of my favorite spots, even though I didn't play probably my best golf in the last few years. But it's nice to be back. It's always a week that we enjoy, it's the whole family. I can't wait to get started.

JOHN BUSH: A nice change of pace from last week, I guess, as well, right?

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, yeah, it was obviously intense last week. And, yeah, I guess this is going to be the biggest challenge this week is to recover from last week. It was a draining week, and I need to get some energies back.

Q. When you play this golf course what is the biggest challenges? Just getting it in play off the tee, given how narrow the corridors are?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, small targets all the time, fairways and greens. And the wind is a big factor. If it gets windy, I don't think it matters how well you hit it, you're not going to make some fairways and greens and then you have to recover well. So it can be some shots can be quite daunting to look at. But, yeah, it's a beautiful golf course.

Q. Mentally have you kind of put what happened last week behind you? Are you kind of focused now on what's ahead?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, obviously you try -- you're never, I guess, quite sure exactly how long it's going to take. But, yeah, I think it was pretty straight forward for me to kind of digest last week.

Now, like I said, I think that more than that, I'm -- my concern is just having the mental energies to perform this week and to be competitive against a really strong field, obviously that's the biggest challenge for me.

Q. How do preparations change now knowing the next major is only a month away?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, well, I'm going to have three weeks off after this week, so I'm going to have time at home to kind of reflect a bit more and analyze with a colder mind and just move forward going towards Bethpage.

Q. Do you like the new schedule? The PGA is suddenly right here in front of us now?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, it's weird, you know, it's different just because it's so new. But, yeah, we'll get used to it like we do to everything, yeah.

Q. Can you look at your last year and a half and the way you've been so strong in the majors? What's changed for you in that stretch?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: I think it's just confidence. I was doing well a lot of things already before and I was just missing maybe a little bit of confidence and I think little by little -- I've never been a guy who like showed up and show up on Tour and started winning straight away. I've built my career through the years. And definitely the last few steps I think have been mental more than technical or anything else.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-17 14:21:00 GMT

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