RBC Heritage

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Kevin Kisner

Quick Quotes

Q. Kevin, just first obvious question, how does it feel to be back playing in South Carolina?
KEVIN KISNER: This is probably my favorite event to come to of the year. It's so relaxing after last week. I grew up as a kid playing this golf course in tournaments. It's a cool place to come, bring your families, and just hang out. It was such a grind last week, and then to come here is like a vacation.

Q. Obviously life has changed for you significantly in the past couple of weeks. Have you kind of gotten your feet back on the ground and back in a routine that you're used to?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, I feel good. Having a week off after you win is huge. You kind of get your rest and get back to ground zero. And last week is such a grind, how long and hard the week is. To come back here is one of my favorite tournaments, I'm looking forward to playing well here.

Q. You obviously enjoyed a lot of success here. How special would it be to add a title here?
KEVIN KISNER: Well, I wanted to be the first guy from South Carolina to win, but I let Wesley sneak in there and beat me.

You know, it's just a golf course that fits my game well. I feel like I'm going to play well here when I show up. And that's always a great feeling coming to a TOUR event thinking you're going to play well.

Q. With everything that's happened the last couple of weeks, how is your game now? Have you been able to rest and fine tune the game a little bit?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, I feel good. My game is probably in the best shape it's been in years. I feel really good with what I'm working on. I'm starting to see a lot of results that I'm looking for on the course. Just need more golf courses like this on the Tour.

Q. For how special, A, is the First Tee at Aiken, and B, that you had an opportunity to meet and get to know a lot of the players?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, I thought that was a really cool story and for her to learn golf through the First Tee, which I've been involved in been a part of for 15 years in Aiken is really cool. And to see her striving and excelling at golf as a college scholarship, and then I saw her swing, and I see why. She striped it down the middle on the 9th hole. We know we're doing good things. We just need to keep going and getting more access to children.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-17 15:54:00 GMT

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