RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Trey Mullinax

Quick Quotes

Q. Fantastic start. Your second appearance in this event, but what was it about today that enabled you to get to 66 and 5-under par in the first round?
TREY MULLINAX: I played really good tee to green. I kept it in play off the tee. I think that makes the difference, when you're hitting in right spots in the fairways to have good angles at the pins to be able to go for it. So I took advantage of some wedge opportunities when I had them and I drove the ball well and I played good.

Q. So your second nine was the front nine. You birdied the first two and the last two. Great approaches. Great putting. Good positioning. All that coming together for you?
TREY MULLINAX: Yeah, like I said, I drove the ball really well. So I was able to put myself in good positions to where I had shorter clubs to attack some of these front pins because the greens got a little firm. They were taking a little bit of a hop my last couple of holes. I was able to use my length as an advantage there and have some shorter irons coming in and hit really good approaches and made the putts.

Q. How about the scoring conditions today, considering we might have some unsettled weather tomorrow?
TREY MULLINAX: Yeah, the course is tough. You have to drive it well. You have to have real good control of your distances. So it gets a little windy and rains it will play tough.

Q. Fantastic opening round. For a number of years you lived pretty close to this area. You've played a lot of golf in these kinds of conditions, more southern type. What is it about this environment, this golf course, that you're comfortable with?
TREY MULLINAX: I love the tree-lined golf course, it's kind of what I grew up on. Having to hit drivers, work it off tree line to another tree line. And felt really comfortable with the driver today. It was definitely to my advantage today. And hit a lot of fairways and made some nice approaches and made putts.

Q. You'd think you were a guy that would like a course that was a little bit different from this layout. Second on Tour last season in driving distance. But you have to pick your spots out here. How important was that driver for you today?
TREY MULLINAX: It was huge. Like I said, you have to be a little more aggressive on the driver, have a better angle. At the end of the day that's huge. I drove it well. I felt in control. So I was able to use my length as an advantage on some of these holes, to kind of get it down there to have a good angle and I hit really good approaches and made good putts.

Q. You can't have seven birdies without putting well. Also, how was the putter today?
TREY MULLINAX: It was really good. I putted really well. Like on 17, 18, I had some kind of short misses, but I putted really well today, it felt good in my hands.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-18 15:52:00 GMT

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