RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Luke List

Quick Quotes

Q. What a fantastic back nine, there, Luke, 4 birdies coming in and kind of picking up where you left off last year, just barely missing the playoff here in this event?
LUKE LIST: Yeah. Obviously I have some good vibes from last year, it was tough to finish one short. I hadn't been playing great coming in, kind of a dinged up little elbow. So I was just really happy with the way I played today. Just hung in there and just went out and enjoyed this golf course, fun to have some good rounds on it.

Q. You mentioned the golf course. It's certainly a contrast to what we usually see each and every week on the PGA Tour. It's such a unique layout. What is it about this course that you like so much?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, it really rewards ball-striking. If you're in good position off the fairway and hit good solid iron shots you're going to get rewarded most of the time.

Q. Last year you finished tied for third, how happy are you to finish on top this year?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, this is one of my favorite stops on Tour all year. To have a good finish last year definitely builds confidence. I'm going to take each round as it comes, weather depending. Tomorrow I'll get out and hopefully repeat today.

Q. Why is this one of your favorite stops?
LUKE LIST: It's just nice. It's a relaxing vibe here. The people are to nice, friendly, just bring the family and relax. I really like the golf course, too, so that's a bonus.

Q. You missed the cut in Texas, so where is your confidence now?
LUKE LIST: The game has been kind of up and down this season. I had a few injuries, kind of fighting that. I'm not setting my standards too high, just trying to get through each day, and hopefully the week just gets better and better.

Q. How does your preparation change when you have people talking about tomorrow's conditions? Do you have to do different things when you're out on the driving range or putting or just mentally preparing?
LUKE LIST: You kind of go when they tell you to go. And if it's delayed, you just chill. We've been doing this for a long time. Mother Nature is part of our game so we just kind of take it easy and go when we can.

Q. What was harder for you on the back nine?
LUKE LIST: I had a couple of good breaks and just put myself in good positions, kept hitting greens. That's the key out here. If you can hit a lot of greens you'll give yourself a lot of opportunities and you need to capitalize on a few of those.

Q. You've been here several times before. Each time you come out here what do you learn about this course?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, just like I said, it's such an old school course, it's stood the test of time. If you can get on the fairway and go from there, approach it like that, kind of work it from the green backwards. A lot of courses I just pull driver out and rip it. That's definitely not this place. For me it's just kind of piecing it together, stringing a couple of good shots together and being patient. I like the challenge that it fits for me and it's fun.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-18 17:43:00 GMT

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