RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Charley Hoffman

Quick Quotes

Q. Take me through your thoughts on the round.
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Early got away with a couple of early bad drives that I was able to capitalize and make some birdies on. Coming down the stretch I hit some good shots, it just didn't turn out. That's sort of this golf course. The wind was blowing those last few holes. And after being a pretty good drive, my iron shot on 17, I hit it pretty good, and just didn't quite carry. Ended up with two bogeys but all in all very happy with the round of 3-under.

Q. You have a habit of finishing toward the top of the leaderboard on the first and second day at this course. Moving through the weekend here, what did you learn just on this round that you can use to hopefully get on top of the leaderboard on the weekend?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Obviously the forecast for tomorrow is not very good. I'm just going to try to batten down the hatches and play some solid golf early in the morning and hopefully have a chance coming down here on Saturday and Sunday.

Q. I don't think we have an official plan yet for tomorrow that's been released for the public. How do you stay in the right mindset knowing that you might be golfing at any time?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: We always play unless there's dangerous situations. So the wind usually doesn't take us off the golf course unless the balls aren't staying on the green on 17 and 18. I anticipate playing in some windy conditions and trying to battle.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-18 20:36:00 GMT

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