RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Matt Kuchar

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you assess your round out there?
MATT KUCHAR: Yeah, good day. It's just always such a fun place to play because you have to hit so many different shots and try to figure the wind out. Getting a couple under, you try to take advantage of the few par-5s and just not find yourself in too much trouble and I think I did a pretty decent job of that today.

Q. What about this course suits your game so well? You seem to play well here every single year.
MATT KUCHAR: I think when you get here you know exactly what you're supposed to do. You step up on the tee box, and the hole is so well framed, that there's not a whole lot of decision making. You go out, and this is the shot you have to hit and you just have to step up and do it.

Q. Tomorrow there is some weather coming in in the afternoon. You guys are playing in the morning. Is getting off in a good start time a big thing knowing what the weather is going to be tomorrow?
MATT KUCHAR: It sounds like it's going to be tough all day. Sounds like the wind is going to be blowing. And then maybe some wind and rain potentially in the afternoon. It doesn't sound like there's going to be a whole lot of joyous conditions. But that's the fun thing about golf, you get all sorts of conditions and with the windy conditions a chance to separate yourself a little bit. The course is going to play really hard. I think anything around par is going to be a good score.

Q. What's the hardest part of this place if the wind picks up?
MATT KUCHAR: Finding fairways is such a key out here. The wind picks up and starts moving your ball around, and if you're not finding fairways, you're just trying to get something near the green to save par. If you can find fairways you'll at least have a chance.

Q. What are your initial thoughts on your round today?
MATT KUCHAR: Pleased, coming off 2-under par. It's a course that kind of anything can happen. You've really got to play some good golf. You've got to be in control of the golf ball. Find fairways, find greens and hopefully make some birdies. But to walk off 2-under par, I'm certainly pleased with the start of the tournament.

Q. It's a course that you have a lot of fans here. Smiles every time. How is it different coming in after a couple of wins this year to come back to a course that you really are familiar with?
MATT KUCHAR: I don't know if it's different after a couple of wins. It's nice to be in the position I'm in knowing I'm playing some good golf. But I love coming here to that this tournament. I love the golf course, I love the event. I love seeing what great fan support this place gets. And I've been a lucky recipient of some great support over the years and it's always a treat for me to come back to.

Q. Is this one of the courses on Tour that you're most comfortable with?
MATT KUCHAR: Well, no, most comfortable with? It's definitely one of my favorites. Definitely one that I enjoy the most.

Q. (No microphone.)
MATT KUCHAR: I feel like I do a good job putting the ball in play off the tee. It's such a premium out here. You step up on the tee shot and the hole is so well framed, it kind of presents you with this is the shot you need to hit and this is where you need to be positioned. And there aren't many choices. You just have to step up and execute. And I do enjoy it.

Q. Do you approach tomorrow any different knowing that there's bad weather expected?
MATT KUCHAR: No. It's a silly thing, but you do the same thing, you just start on the first tee and you try to put the ball in the fairway and you go from there. I know tomorrow is going to be hard. I know anything around par will probably be an awfully good score. You start on the first tee and you try to find the fairway. If you don't, you manage. But it's a pretty simple game plan.

Q. How often did you take driver today and do you expect tomorrow to maybe have to use the driver a little more with the wind?
MATT KUCHAR: Yeah, you just don't know if holes are downwind. It may take your driver out of play occasionally. But I probably used driver maybe a little more than most around this place. But it's definitely fun because this course has you hit all sorts of different shots. It has you hit kind of low irons off the tee. And try to curve the ball different directions just to find the right sides, the proper sides of the fairways. So it's really enjoyable to play. And tomorrow there's going to be a whole lot of options with the wind blowing as hard as it's blowing, you're going to have to play a lot of different, clever shots.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-18 21:49:00 GMT

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