RBC Heritage

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you assess your round out there today?
RYAN PALMER: It was good. I kept it in play when I needed to. I made a lot of putts today. And then a little razzle dazzle on 16, made it from off the green putting, so that helped out.

But the thing I did today was my driver. I found the driver on the range this morning, this afternoon, but I felt like I was hitting it with a steamer driver. It worked today. I kept the ball down. It kept it out of the wind. But I kept the ball in front of me. And hit a great shot on 7, which went over the green, fortunately made a bogey. A drive on 9 to have a two-putt birdie.

Q. Conditions a little tricky out there. The wind was peaking, went down and back up towards the end?
RYAN PALMER: I think it stopped blowing for a minute, but not too bad, I don't think. The key was to get a round in today for sure. And that was the goal to make sure you have a nice round if you could, and set myself up for tomorrow because it's going to be tough. I was able to do that and I'm excited. It's fun to get off to a good start.

Q. What was the one thing you really need to focus on tomorrow, the conditions being what they're probably going to be all day?
RYAN PALMER: You know, on the range we'll see how the wind is blowing. The main thing is you've got to take the big numbers out and just play par golf if it's going to blow like they're saying. There's a few holes you can probably make birdie downwind. So keep that little driver working, hopefully, and make a few putts.

I'm excited where my game is at now. My body is feeling better than it has in the past month. I'm excited about that. See what the wind holds for us tomorrow.

Q. Is there a reason you can think of why your record hasn't been good here?
RYAN PALMER: Before I hit a big draw, and these trees overhanging loved me. Now I'm able to hit some shots left-to-right, which is helpful, especially with my driver. I'm able to hit a lot more shots into these fairways and have a lot better in my approach shot.

I'm excited. I'm Ambassador for RBC and I'm playing well this week.

Q. You finished today with a 2-putt birdie. What do you take away from your opening rounds?
RYAN PALMER: A solid day on the greens for me. I hit a lot of putts today. And today the key was to get off to a good start and have a good round, knowing what we're facing tomorrow, I believe, with the wind. So that was the goal today just to have a good round and set myself up for tomorrow to go out and survive. I'm excited.

Q. Got a little rain on us today. You really were the only player this afternoon to really get yourself up on the leaderboard. What was your key to the success?
RYAN PALMER: Today was on the greens, for sure. A lot of putts outside of ten feet. I drove it pretty well, I think. I threw a little stinger driver in there this afternoon on the range before I teed off. So that gave me a lot more chances from the fairway. But the way I played obviously I'm excited. Hopefully have a good day tomorrow.

Q. Being teamed up with RBC, how special is it to open up the day and be this far up already?
RYAN PALMER: It's nice. I'm proud to be an Ambassador for RBC. I love coming this week. I love what these guys are doing for the game of golf and for local charities. Proud to be an RBC member, obviously, so I'm excited to be playing well in the tournament, representing RBC, for sure. I'm excited for the week.

Q. What stands out to about for this course?
RYAN PALMER: It's never been my friend in years past. So it's nice to get off to a good start and I think I shot my lowest round in my career on this golf course. It's great to finally be able to play well on this course and know that I can.

Q. Wasn't it a distraction when you were lining up your putt on 9?
RYAN PALMER: It got me out of my routine a little bit. But I was able to get back into it. You've got to start over and focus on what you're doing.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-18 22:42:00 GMT

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